There are millions of caregivers across the nation serving the aging population, and many do not take or always have the time to care for themselves.
The old saying is true: ‘You can’t take care of others well unless you take care of yourself.’ It’s very important that Caregivers make sure they stay mentally, emotionally and physically healthy – for their loved one, but for themselves as well.
Here are some tips to help Caregivers not only survive, but thrive:
- Make your own health a priority. Eat well and get enough sleep.
- Accept help from others. People who offer genuinely want to help.
- Communicate effectively with doctors to avoid confusion and crisis.
- Seek support from other Caregivers in support groups, at your house of worship and/or with friends.
- Take time to recharge doing something you like – read, take a walk, workout or meet a friend for lunch.
- Organize medical information so it’s up to date and easy to access.
- Learn more about available caregiver resources in the community.
- Know what legal authority you have in case of emergency.