
Peninsula Home Care Announces Two “Outstanding Occupational Therapists” of 2019

Published on - April 8, 2019

SALISBURY, MD – Occupational Therapy takes therapists with creative minds who think outside the box when it comes to identifying successful treatments for patients to resume activities that are meaningful to their independence and quality of life.

“Our OT’s help people get beyond problems to the solutions that assure healthy, more independent living,” said Barbara Murray, Maryland branch director, Peninsula Home Care. “These solutions may be adaptations for how to do a task; changes to the surroundings or helping individuals alter their own behaviors.”

OT for Better Living

Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability.

It helps individuals tackle all types of daily living challenges from keeping older drivers safe in their vehicles by providing in-car assessments to offering stroke patients ways to resume bathing, dressing and cooking meals.  OT helps people recover from injury to regain skills and return to work and provides support to promote safety and fall prevention through home assessments.

Excellence at work in Maryland and Delaware – “COTA of the Year”

During the month of April – Occupational Therapy Month – Peninsula Home Care is recognizing two certified occupational therapy assistants as “Outstanding COTA of the Year” for their work and dedication to the patients they serve.

Kaitlyn Fitzhugh - Salisbury/Ocean Pines BranchKaitlyn Fitzhugh – Salisbury/Ocean Pines Branch

Kaitlyn joined the Maryland Peninsula Home Care (PHC) team in July 2018. As a certified occupational therapy assistant, she educates patients about techniques to make daily living tasks at home easier. She graduated from Wor-Wic with an associates degree in applied science. She enjoys helping people and making a difference in their lives when it comes to what matters to them most. She values that Peninsula Home Care is patient-centered and enjoys working with the entire team of professionals. Kaitlyn’s goal is to introduce as much diversity to the treatment setting as possible and bring new ideas and modalities to the home to keep patients motivated during the recover process.

“I was treating a patient who needed to strengthen his upper body,” said Kaitlyn. “We started off doing armchair exercises which he didn’t care for at all. One day I turned some music on and I saw a whole other side of him. He almost came out of his chair because he loved music and dancing. The music made it fun – with a functional goal. That’s why I love my job.”

Christina Elliott - Seaford BranchChristina Elliott – Seaford Branch

Christina has been a certified occupational therapy assistant with Peninsula Home Care at Nanticoke (PHCN) for one year. She graduated from the Occupational Therapy program at Delaware Technical Community College in 2014. Her work experience includes skilled nursing and short-term rehabilitation. Christina enjoys being constantly challenged and having to be creative when it comes to helping patients achieve their goals. She values the PHCN team she works with and says it is a pleasure to work with people who are like minded and all share the same goal – patient recovery. 

“I actually treated a patient who was not able to live independently but never gave up and worked hard to gain his strength and function back so he could live on his own again,” said Christina. “With occupational and physical therapy, anything is possible. I have seen it with my own eyes.”

For more information about Occupational Therapy services and for more resources about home care decisions, please visit

About Peninsula Home Care

Providing skilled nursing, physical, occupational and speech therapy for more than 30 years, Peninsula Home Care ensures that all patients are involved in their plan of care and strives to give them every opportunity to maintain their independence in the home. The agency has served more than 50,000 patients in Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset counties in Maryland and Sussex and Kent counties in Delaware. In 2017, PHC and PHCN were designated as Preferred Home Care Provider by Peninsula Regional Medical Center and Nanticoke Health Services.


Serving Sussex County & Lower Kent Counties in Delaware and Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset Counties in Maryland

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