Video Library

Partners - Video Library

Transition from Hospital to Home

Published on - April 1, 2019

What happens behind the scenes from the time a patient is admitted to the hospital to when they are released and sent home? It involves an entire care coordination team of people from PRMC and Peninsula Home Care to make sure this transition goes as smoothly as possible.

2017 Preferred Provider Partnerships with PRMC and Nanticoke Health Services

Published on - November 9, 2017

Being discharged from the hospital doesn’t mean recovery is complete. The care continues and transition from hospital to home is critical. Hear how Peninsula Home Care, PRMC and Nanticoke Health Services have partnered to make that transition of care consistent for patients and their families.

Lowering Readmissions

Published on - January 2, 2016

Keeping people out of the hospital.  Peninsula Home Care has a great record for this. A November 2015 reports shows a patient readmission rate of 7.8%, compared to the state average of 12.5% and National average of 11.7%.

Serving Sussex County & Lower Kent Counties in Delaware and Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset Counties in Maryland

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