
Preparedness - Peninsula Home Care Resource Library


Information is power, especially when it comes to your health.

No one plans to be ill or injured, but you can prepare. Feeling confident about when to go to Urgent Care or the ER, or when to call 911 is critical. Being clear on coverage from Medicare in comparison to Medicare Advantage is important. Each step you take toward being prepared can give you confidence to handle a variety of situations.

Additional Preparedness Information:

If you are a resident of Maryland, talk with your doctor about completing a “MOLST” form: Medical Order for Life-Sustaining Treatment. MOLST is a portable and enduring medical order form covering options for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other life-sustaining treatments. The medical orders are based on a patient’s wishes about medical treatments. These resources can help you better understand and incorporate MOLST into your planning.

Serving Sussex County & Lower Kent Counties in Delaware and Wicomico, Worcester & Somerset Counties in Maryland

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